HPS Week at a Glance Dec. 16-20

HPS Week at a Glance

Please send a water bottle with your child every day

**We do not supply plastic utensils for students so please remember to send in their lunch**

Every student needs a pair of indoor shoes

School drop off for students in the morning is between 8:30-8:45 am

If a student is late they will need to check in at the office by buzzing in at Door #1


Please contact the school if your child will be absent

306-682-2684 or [email protected]


Mon Dec. 16               Kindergarten Orange

Spirit Week - Grinch Day (wear green)

5/6S class swimming 11am-12pm 

Boys Basketball Practice – 3:30-4:30 pm

Curling afterschool for students in grades 6-8 who signed up 3:45 - 5:00 (PICKUP IS AT THE RINK AT 5PM)

Curlers please send $20 equipment fee to the school office by Thursday Dec. 5.

Safety Patrol – AM Ostara & Jerzee

                                                              PM Ezri & Luzia


Tues Dec. 17              Kindergarten Yellow

Spirit Week - Mistle-toes (Wear socks and sandals - Christmas socks are a bonus)

Grade 5J is going to the Museum after lunch

Safety Patrol – AM Yohann & Jayden

                                                              PM Avery & Nevaeh


Wed Dec. 18              Kindergarten Orange

Spirit Week - Christmas Hat Day

Boys Basketball Practice 3:30-4:30 pm

Safety Patrol – AM Jarrod & Beauman

                                                              PM Mavrik & Beauman                              


Thurs Dec. 19            Kindergarten Yellow

Spirit Week - Christmas Sweater Day

Band - Please remember instruments and Music

Safety Patrol – AM Ella & Avery

                                                              PM Nick & Yohann


Fri Dec. 20                  Kindergarten Orange

Spirit Week - PJs Day

Holiday Lunch for the School

***Early Dismissal @ 2:22 for the start of the break***

Safety Patrol – AM Ostara & Jerzee

                                                              PM Ezri & Luzia


Classes resume on Tuesday January 7 for students after the Winter Break.

Happy Holidays to Everyone, have a great break!!